Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Attraction and Fascination and Italy

Attraction dominates Italy. It is noticed through the buildings, the trees, and the people touring the place. For some reason, it is more evident in this country. After all, we cannot deny the fact that love is more visible in the common things; in this case, the same message rings true. When I see pairs holding hands, children leading the seniors cross the road, or just a simple butterfly perching on a flower, I see radiating love.

There must be some magnetic force dominating this country. I can really see it as the gentle winds pass through my face during a lazy afternoon coffee break. I can sense the overwhelming tenderness of the people when they glance at me; this is simply different from living in a fast-paced city where people can stare at you with distaste if they feel like you are too slow and wasting their time on certain trivialities that life has to offer.

Being the urban person that I am, I am never the softy class, at least that's also what some of my closest friends could say about me. I am the average, cold, and unmindful woman in my hometown and city. I don't make a fuss if people glare at me. I don't observe anything from anyone as I transport to work every single day.

Maybe this magnetic force has some impact over me that it made me actually feel. It made me enthusiastic about things I commonly take for granted. Is this a nice thing or a harmful one?

I marvel if I'll still be like this when I turn around and be back home.


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