Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Newest and Tighter Anti-Smoking Campaign in Italy

Smoking has become a large part of people's lives for numerous reasons. While some people argue that smoking is an unhealthy living, others strongly say that it is not a plain habit but a culture which people have acquired for long years now. Numerous generations have been smoking, and many cases of lung problems have compelled people's deaths. Yes, smoking can be a piece of the people's daily lives, but it does not necessarily mean that it is a culture which people must passively embrace. Italy is among those that strongly believe in this plain yet seemingly complicated stand.

As a matter of fact, Livia Turco, Italy's dependable health minister, has revealed this year an anti-smoking advocacy for the entire country that is still under the approval of the Italian government. Once this distinguished advocacy is approved, Turco plans to offer many incentives to cooperative companies which help their own employees scrap the habit of smoking, sanction fines and punishments to those employees who smoke in any work area, and reduce tax on all anti-smoking rehabilitations and anti-smoking products. This is such a great project for the Italian government to help the non-smokers, including the children, and to further enhance the Italian healthy lifestyle.


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