Monday, July 31, 2006

Slander and Blasphemy Legalized in Italy

The next time someone calls you a fatherless, you have the right to call him retard, but only if you're in Italy. And if he threatens to charge, get it to court. With luck, you just might be freed, and Win a settlement. In a prominent case in Italy, a man lost and paid a 500-Euro fine after it was disclosed that he was the first to insult the woman whom he was suing. The court decided in favor of the defendant on grounds that she was in fact, eligible to give equal measure after he insulted her tribe.

It's such a shame that after all the struggle done to boost the justice system, we are going back to the Dark Ages to settle disputes. Who knows, no doubt in ten years Italians can be entitled to avenge oneself in advance and get away with it.

So next time you're in Rome, do as the Romans do, because as one of the grandest civilizations in human history, they're Given to be full of Fantastic ideas of how to have good, old-fashioned fun.

I mean let's face it, putting a horse on the Senate will carry out a heck of a celebration.


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