Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sampling the Italian Eden

A week ago, I was checking world news for lack of other worthy shows on cable television, despite the hundreds of channels available. Just as I was thinking about my next furlough, Primiere Prodi was featured during the set-off of Italy as a country logo and brand. He was patriotically standing amidst a tableau of its green, red and white flag. I queried, what does the Italian logo and brand express? It takes an Italian experience to satisfy this questioning, so a trip it is. Upon arrival, you already stroke the difference in milieu with people fluttering to and fro without a care in the world. People are welcoming amidst the tumultuous airport. Try the traditional restaurants to relish food fit for the gods and wine that cannot be compared to any other vineyard wines in the world. Italians take pride in their saga and legacy as a domineering society determining the course of world history. It's not to say that Italians reel in arrogance; but that they recognize the illustriousness of their legacy and live up to this magnificence. I realize, I've never met an Italian who is not well-pleased in being one.


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