Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Most Voguish Fashion Modes Among The Young Italian Crowd And Fashion Boutiques

Italians do take fashion seriously and being caught wearing something improper in the public is undeniably a mistake. In order to enhance my fashion sense, I wandered around the streets of Paris and observed the usual outfits of the young and chic Italian crowd. I noticed that a lot of women were sporting knee-length boots in various shades that are made of different materials. The popular look among the crowd is a fabulous short dress or skirt paired with a sharp-toed pair of boots. The entire outfit looked provocative indeed, and the pair of boots complements the long and well-proportioned legs of the Italian women. A "hip" belt, or a belt worn around the hips instead of the waist was also a voguish fashion accessory, with passersby striding in wide, brightly colored belts.

Along the picturesque little shops, the ordinary ware was jackets in different sizes and colors, with the short jacket as the most in-demand item among female customers. Tight-fitted tweed jackets in a number of colors and designs that accentuate the natural body curves are also noted items. During winter, the hottest items are charming immaculate white jackets in a "bolero" style, combined with a pair of dark-colored provocative high-heeled boots.


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